Thursday, October 14, 2004

Bush's huge!

I mean his head is huge! Everybody noticed that he was shorter during the split screen at the 1st debate--in order to have the top of their heads even, the camera got more of the podium for Bush. So what do they do today? They zoomed in closer, so the podium is at the same height, but the top of two heads are even also. Except one problem, it now makes Bush's head at least 50% bigger than Kerry's. And we are not even going to start about the rest of their figures. The cameramen for Bush is busy. Everytime the other guy pans out for Kerry, he has to slowly and subtly zoom out also. Hilarious. Oh Bush has this one look when he's not talking. he turns his head toward Kerry, and try to look attentive, but he sure blinks a lot, almost non-stop.


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