Wednesday, January 19, 2005

What is science?

On Bill O'Reilly last night, he interviewed a biology professor. He claimed evolution as incomplete, and is only a theory. The professor came back with a statement taht "all science is incomplete," which is true. O'Reilly comes back with "well, that's not true. some science is complete." Like there is 24 hours in a day. The professor was devastated so badly he did not immediately cut off the stupid interview, but let O'Reilly go on talking. 24 hours in a day as science?

1. A scale of time is not science, only a tool for measurement. Hey back in China, they used to have only 12 hours a day. guess what? Each hour back then was twice as long.
2.There is not necessarily 24 hours on other planets in the solar system.
3.24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds are only approximation of the length of an earth day. Eventualy we will need to add a leap second, sort of like a leap day every four years to correct the calendar.
4.If you are on a satellite circling earth, your day is probably not 24 hours.

Take that Bill O'Reilly. I am pretty sure he's proud of himself of his quick wit to come up with 24 hours in a day. I was screaming to guy on TV to destroy that careless comment, but to no avail. Just wait until I get my own TV show.


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