Friday, October 15, 2004

Sample size.

This proves it. I earlier pointed to Andrew Sullivan (who happens to be gay), who defended Kerry's comment on Mary Cheney, as an example of how differently the gay community and the Republican (and the press largely) to the same comment. Well, a sample size of one is hardly scientific. But as I was listening to Diane Rehm on NPR, I've just heard two callers and one emailer, all gay, defending Kerry. They were very emtional, especially when one described his parents as accepting to his lifestyle and partner yet viewing it as impolite to talk about him been gay, reminescient of the Cheney's reaction to someone else talking about their daughter. I'm becoming more and more inclined to believe that there is still a gap of the heterosexual people (myself included)'s understanding of the homosexual experience in America. At some deeper level, we still get embarrassed about calling someone gay, believe doing so is an insult to them and their families. Should we be? Would I get insulted if arguing about illegal immigration, and someone mentioned that my parents were immigrants? While Kerry's comment about Mary Cheney may rile the heterosexual majority and cost him some votes, it definitely made me think twice about my so-called "understanding" of homosexuals.


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