Thursday, July 07, 2005

How many G8 leaders does it take to change a light bulb?




"It's not broken!"

"And if it is, there is no conclusive evidence that we humans are to blame, or can do anything about it."

"Even if we can, the people in India and China have plenty of broken light bulbs that they are not required to change, so why should we!"

Okay, all jokes aside (but it is a pretty funny one for me to come up on the spot), I hope the world leaders could still get somethings done after the horrific bombings in London today.

Here is what I thought before the news:
George Bush has a chance to change the fous on his adminstration from his wars abroad and at home to international crisis in Africa and global climate. By merely PLEDGING drastic increase in U.S. aid to Africa (and couple it with his successful rhetoric of spreading democracy), and/or showing openness to the Kyoto Treaty, he could reap substantial goodwill from the rest of the world and liberals in the U.S., and making people temperorarily forget his recent troubles at home.

Here is what I thinks after this morning:
Tony Blair has an unique, urh rather another, opportunity to unite the world community behind his leadership on the heel of this human tragedy. A similar opportunity was presented to Bush in 2001-2003, but he decided to milk it for regime change in one middle eastern country. Blair could use the outpouring of sympathy and "resolve" by world leaders to actually accomplish something done about Africa and the climate, things that he is actually passionate about. Even more so than Bush in 2001, Blair is PM of UK, soon to be President of EU, host of G8 and winner of 2012 Olympics. To quote a movie, "With great power comes great responsibility."

But I don't think this will work for the reason that Bush no long has the need to shift focus of the American people. The bombs did it. Again, he will be the War President. War on Terror is his strong suite, always win-win. There is no attack on the U.S. soil in three years, "see I am keep you safe, we are winning in the war against terrorism. We fight them there, in Iraq, in Madrid, and in London, so we don't have to fight them in New Jersey and in Tiptonville, TN." If there is an attack in the U.S., then "we need to stay resolute, and GW is the best leader we got, the 6th greatest American." So Bush is more likely to keep pushing for the terrorism angle and resist any real advances toward helping Africa and combat global warming.


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