Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Sports and politics.

Well, maybe the title is redundant, since politics in today's America resembles so much of the take-no-prisoner, win-at-all-costs attitutdes we often associate with atheletes and sports in this country. Recently, people have been jumping all over the US Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee John Roberts' metaphor of comparing judges to baseball umpires. I find the post from the New Donkey especially clever. Here is a snibit:

Worried about Roberts' disposition towards Roe v. Wade? Maybe he should get this question:
SEN. FEINSTEIN: Judge Roberts, it's safe to say the American League's Designated Hitter rule, adopted in the same year that the Supreme Court announced Roe v. Wade, overturned a rule of play that stretched back to the beginnings of baseball. The DH still upsets a very large number of people who view it as a violation of the sacred canons of the game.

We only have one Supreme Court, not one for each "league," not one for pro-choice and pro-life Americans. Do you think as an "umpire" you should have the power to overturn a precedent of more than thirty years, and change the rules? Would you call out every designated hitter?


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