Wednesday, August 10, 2005

You call this paradise?

Would you and your family want to live in a place like this?

1. It is shaped like a shriveled penis.

2. It is the target of natural disasters a dozen times a year.

3. It has the highest elderly population in the U.S. (19%) Fitting, considering point #1. Also, as a corollary, I expect driving in the state to be a pain in the butt.

4. It is the state that gave us the butterfly ballot and 8 years of Faith-Based governance. I only wish I could blame it on the elderly again.

5. It has the "Happiest Place On Earth!" Disney World.

6. Its governor and politicians, hoping to curry favors from the Right, shamelessly prolonged the misery of a poor brain-dead woman and dragged a responsible husband through a pool of mud the size of Everglades.

And if these are not enough, I just found out that FLORIDA is one of only five states in the U.S. that HAS NO MENTION OF EVOLUTION IN THEIR STATE CURRICULUM STANDARDS. This is the last straw--Evolution OPTIONAL? Not that I plan to have kids soon, but Florida would be one place where I may consider home-schooling. Yah right, like I would ever live there.


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