Saturday, July 16, 2005

Impreachment, anyone?

Just finished Season Two of "24."

***Spoiler alert***

President Palmer was momentarily voted out of his office by the VP and half the cabinet. Riveting TV.

***Spoiler over***

But this got me thinking about all the non-sense about impreaching George W. Bush.

What's the point? You know who's the next in line, right? Cheney. In fact, this is the order:

1. Vice President (Richard B. Cheney)
2. Speaker of the House of Representatives (J. Dennis Hastert)
3. President pro tempore of the Senate (Ted Stevens)
4. Secretary of State (Condoleezza Rice)
5. Secretary of the Treasury (John W. Snow)
6. Secretary of Defense (Donald H. Rumsfeld)
7. Attorney General (Alberto Gonzales)
8. Secretary of the Interior (Gale Norton)
9. Secretary of Agriculture (Mike Johanns)
10. Secretary of Commerce (Carlos Gutierrez, ineligible)
11. Secretary of Labor (Elaine Chao, ineligible)
12. Secretary of Health and Human Services (Michael Leavitt)
13. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (Alphonso Jackson)
14. Secretary of Transportation (Norman Y. Mineta)
15. Secretary of Energy (Samuel W. Bodman)
16. Secretary of Education (Margaret Spellings)
17. Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Jim Nicholson)

Yeah, removing Bush is a GREAT IDEA. So is impreaching Clinton for BJgate.


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