Thursday, May 01, 2008

April 26, A walk in the Park.

I strolled through the Central Park today on my way to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many cities have similar parks, but I have not encountered one on par with Central Park in term of accessibility to and utilization by the city dwellers. With the skyrocketing real estates in many metropolises across the globe, it is hard to imagine another like it popping up anytime soon (here is looking at you, Shanghai). Of course, the Central Park of today, like the Time Square, may be unrecognizable to New Yorkers from 30 years ago. And for that, we have Rudy to thank.

The Met was great. Despite spending three hours there, it feels like I had barely touched the tip of the iceberg. I suppose that museums allow photography these days. Miniaturized digital cameras and cell phone cameras have become so pervasive trying to outlaw them would be futile. I suppose there are worse things in the world than for people trying to capture the magic associated with meeting with a magnificent piece of art.


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