Saturday, April 19, 2008

April 17, Orioles game and the "Rule of Three," part 1 and 2

While walking toward the ballpark, I felt a drop of water fell on my head. Thus begin my travail with the “Rule of Three.” Suspicious, because I was not near any highrise with window-AC, I rubbed it with my finger. The drop was clear. Still suspicious, I smelt it. The pungency almost knocked me out. It appeared that the birds of Baltimore had struck first. I had to find an excuse to walk into a pub and wash it out. Strike one.

The game at Camden Yards was tons of fun. I walked out to the ticket window and got a bleacher seat for $15. Later, I was surprised by the low turn-out at the stadium. Once again, I went to the right field bleacher to catch some home run balls during batting practice. I have figured out that the best place to catch balls is not against the railing at the wall. I usually stand about 5 rows back, in the isle. This way, I could move up and down the isle and move laterally in rows. I could catch balls on the fly or ran over to catch balls after a bounce. Amazingly, I suddenly saw a ball rising up and quickly coming my way. “It’s got a chance,” I thought as I shifted a couple of steps to my right. It was getting closer, and my mind was still trying to come to term with the fact I might have a chance to touch the ball. By now it was obvious if I did not reach out my hand, my chest would suffer a painful bruise. Still incredulous, I saw in slow motion the ball ricocheting of my right hand, and tumbling two feet in the air. By the time I recovered, I had to fend off people on both sides of me and scrambling to find the ball. After the dust has settled, I came away wistfully with only the sting of my right palm to keep as a momento. Strike two.

The game itself was the best of the trip so far. Three home runs within the span of one inning. The Orioles were down by 3 runs in the eighth. They scored one in the 8th. Along came the White Sox closer, Bobby Jenks. All 6 foot 3 inch, and 275 pounds, accentuated by a blond goatee, he throws, or rather, slings grenades that explode in the catcher’s mitt. Somehow, the Orioles scored 2 runs off of him in the ninth, annoying the White Sox fan next to me, while delighting everyone else including his girlfriend. They went on to win in the 10th. I stood for the last three innings and loved every minute of it. Good night to all.


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