Thursday, February 03, 2005

Persistent questions

The blog has veered from the original intention of writing about minor observations on life that puzzles ones preconception to a general rant on the current state of social and political discourse. I suppose punditry is an infectious disease on the web these days. Yet so much of ones opinions on the outside world are anchored by ones internal beliefs and sensibility, so my reflection on these external issues is as much as an introspection as anything else.

Someone once said that the whole-truth is made up by several half-truth. Perhaps. The champions of such half-truth may be sincere, but I would call them biased. As I strived to be unbiased as anyone could be, I find myself questioning many of my preconceptions previously unchallenged. So I suppose the persistent question here is, "is anybody capable of realigning his beliefs and ideas when he is going on thirty?"


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