Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Arm chair quarterback

I love playing video games of football and baseball games, specially when I could manage the rosters and call plays. And I love second-guessing coaches and managers of professional teams on TV about every decision they make. Somehow I got this idea that without actually playing these sports, I am just as competent as these men who have spent all their lives living, breathing and dreaming about the sport. And I am not alone.

No, I am not talking about Joe Blow from the sports bar yelling at the big screen every Sunday, I am talking about people at the White House. They feel qualified to tell everyone how to fight a war and interrogate suspected terrorists without have ever done it themselves. Meanwhile, former generals (Powell) and ex-POWs (McCain) who have personally experienced the ugly side of warfare and torture are up-in-arms about the conduct of this on-going war. Maybe Cheney has extensive experience in torturing and that is why he is so admant about keeping the door open for the CIA. The defenders of Cheney are usually law professors and TV/internet commentators whose tortuous interrogative skills have been well-honed, I presume, on their law students and callers to their radio shows, while I do not hear much murmur from actual CIA officials who are pro-torture. But hey, after burning the midnight oil three nights in a roll to watch an entire season of "24," everyone should know how successful Jack Bauer is at extracting information from terrorists. Speaking of which, where is Jack, and how many 24-hours does he need to get Osama?


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