Sunday, June 13, 2010

Question: can a guy be best friend with a woman who is not his girlfriend?

Answer: No.

It may seem obvious, but not so when it happens to yourself.

After talking to one of my best friends from medical school (a guy), the implication is obvious. Staying "best friend" with your ex is asking for disaster. It is not fair to the boyfriend/fiance/husband of your former-girlfriend/best friend. It will inevitably play mind tricks on yourself. Yes, it feels good and requires little effort to share your inner most thoughts with someone who you had cared about and who cared about you, but it is an illusion and dependence that need to be severed.

It is ironic. I always ended all communication with my previous ex'es. On the other hand, he had always remained on speaking terms with his, until "the one." It is all fine and dandy until you break up with "the one." Apparently, remaining friends only prolongs the suffering, according to him.

Intellectually this makes perfect sense, but emotionally, that intimate connection with someone is difficult to give up. Alas, in order to move on, it has be done.

Perhaps one day we will be friends again, sharing the ups and downs, the laughters and tears of life. In the mean time, I wish you the best of luck and my deepest gratitude for those beautiful memories of past.


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