Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Question: When is a surprise not a surprise?

Ready for a non-shocker of the week? Chinese students do well on a standardize test. Seriously, you take a bunch of Chinese kids 15 years old, still IN SCHOOL, around the time when they are taking entrance exams for high school, and make them take more TESTS. Trust me, just as the North Koreans are probably awesome at marching in unison, if there is one thing the Chinese school kids are good at, that is acing tests. Getting into elite high schools would making their chances of scoring well on their college entrance exam and thus entry into the elite universities that much better three years later. These kids are motivated and well prepared. Their counterpart in the U.S. are probably worrying about making the JV team, while SAT is still two years away. And this being China's first time, these kids are been showcased. Show me the test scores from kids in Qinghai or Xizang (if they are still in school), then I would be impressed.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Mirror, mirror

Again from The Book of Qualities:

Blame is not honest... He insists that he admires and respects strong women. Maybe he does... in abstract. When he is in relationship with one, he is intent on suberting her power

This book is an unflattering mirror. I wish that I can look into it and see Truth, Honor, and Confidence. But instead, Blame, Confusion and Loneliness are staring back at me. Yet, for this I am grateful. Like a mirror that warns me to steer clear of a particular ill-fitting jean, the book accentuates and forces me to confront these imperfections and to remember that the sale is not final and there is a 30-day return policy.