Sunday, October 17, 2004

Searching for conviction.

That would be me. Why do I care who wins in November? If I actually think Kerry is probably going to handle the mess in Iraq similar to Bush, why does it matter who wins? I'm pretty sure I won't be the low income minimum wage worker who gets squeezed by Bush's tax cut, what's the big deal? I'm happily hetero, don't own a gun, and not looking for farm subidies, so whether the White House is red or blue in 2005 matter little, right?

Well, the reason I'm voting this year is the WEDGE ISSUES. Off the top of my head I can think of a handful this year: (In)Separation of church and state, gun control, stem-cell, gay rights and abortion. Well guess what, I'm completely against Bush on every single one of these issues. So the choice comes down to Kerry and Nader. And those of you out there voting for Nader, this is the choice:

Vote for Nader, you are saying the opportunity to !) erode the big money two-party system, and possibly giving voice back to average American in the distant future, is more urgent and important than
2) defend the foundation of the constitution,
3) prevent the abuse of the 2nd admendment,
4) protect the rights of women and minorities,
and 5) continue the world-class scientific research environment of this country.

2-5 are higher on my list, therefore I hope Kerry wins.


At 4:52 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Well put. That's the best way that I've heard it said thus far.


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