Friday, October 29, 2004

Who's the dumb one?

Every liberal pundit made fun of George W. Bush when he talked about Dred Scott from 150 years in the 2nd debate when he was asked about an abortion litmus test for his judicial appointments. Great, he's against slavery, talking about going out on a limb. But apparently, he was speaking to his base, and they got it. The conservative pundits didn't see the need to clue in the rest of America. Dred Scott has become a coded phrase about Roe v. Wade.

Dred Scott lost his case essentially because the Supreme Court did not view him as a citizen and therefore lacked any right in the courts. So the Republicans are comparing the blacks of 1800's to the unborn fetus of today, because they believe the latter deserve the same rights as any other human being (well, at least until they break any law, or registered as a Democrat in Ohio). Okay, I'm not here to pass any judgement on the pro-lifers, not today. But the fact that Bush 43 has blatantly spoke two-faced in front of national audience about his intent to overturn Roe v. Wade while denying he has a litmus test for judges, and half the Americans did not realize what's at stake here, is really troublesome. Dumb? No. A dropped ball by the mainstream media to inform the masses? Probably.


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