Thursday, February 03, 2005


Just as I question my stance on abortion, I have also been troubled by the death penalty. I was an adment double-death supporter, I know, the worst of both camps. Well blame it on Law and Order, or the advant of modern forensic science, I come to view that there are uncertainty in most death cases.

The argument against death penalty, in my eyes, falls into three categories. The verdict process is flawed. The punishment is cruel. The cost. Well let's not get into cost analysis of the death penalty and life sentence. I will simply state my view on the first two.

I thinks that the death penalty in some instance is equally or less cruel and inhumane than the crimes (murders) that were committed. Vice versa, I think there are crimes that warrent the death penalty. Notice I am talking about CRIME and punishment, not convicts.

Secondly, I accept the justice system is not 100% proof. Many convictions that led to death roll have been overturned. So the risk of killing an innocent person is significant. But I feel that the problem lies not with the existence of punishment, but with the justice process leading up to it. So the death penalty can stay in the books, but it's not like we got a quota to fill. Yes, it is a cop-out if you wish. Like my view on abortion, rare but legal. As usual, I welcome any comment that will educate and challenge my views on both issues.


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