Sunday, February 20, 2005

How to protect my precious ass..ets?

Why the hell is there no toilet seat covers in the entire state of Michigan? In six years, I have been to airports, restaurants and hospitals, and have yet to find a single stall with these paper seat covers. This is an outrage! In California, where I grow up, they are everywhere--one is more likely to run out TP than TSC. Personally I am unclear what the function of this flimsy single ply sheet of paper is. Is it to insulate your ass...ets from the potentially-dangerous covers? Or is it to offer some protection from the vicious taco-bell-induced bombing runs? In additon, I never knew what to do with the center piece. Do I leave it be? detach it partially? Or completely, but then what would I do with it? It seems awefully wasteful to just throw it away, but I digress. Nevertheless, the lack of TSC makes life almost unbearable. I have now resorted to what Paul Finch did in American Pie, which is rather cumbersome especially when nature calls. Dammit, "having toilet seat cover" has just replaced "two pieces of nigri sushi per order in its japanese restaurants" as number 23 on my criteria of choosing which states to live in once I graduate.


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