Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Democrazy in Lebanon.

No it's a misspelling. At least not in Lebanon. Last few weeks, anti-Syria protesters have been DEMOstrating and pushing for the removal of Syrian troops from their country. Yesterday, pro-Syria protester were DEMOstrating, at the behest of Hezbollah, to support the pro-Syria government and Syria. And the 400,000 that turned out dwarfed the anti-Syria crowd. That's just CRAZY! One day everyone hails Bush as the angel of democracy in the Middle East after Syria pulls back its troops, but can someone make some sense to what the pro-Syria demostration now means? Can it be that not everyone in a country can agree on what they want? Hmm, sounds familiar.

I don't know latin or greek, but perhaps it's not a coincidence that democracy is one letter away from demo-crazy. You, like I, could start doing it with all words that end in -cracy. Go ahead, have fun. Let's start with gynecocrazy...uh, scratch that, how about androcrazy?

Lebanon actually has a democratically elected government, even women can vote and be elected! The only thing that seems undemocratic at the moment appear to be the overrepresentation of Christian (40% population, but constituitionally required 50% seats in parliment). I meant no disrespect for calling them democrazy. If anyone is to take that title, that would be us Americans.