Thursday, November 04, 2004

Can't stop myself?

Am I procrastinating? Yes. Still depressed? More every day.

I had been trying to justify my optimism and clam my fear, saying four more years of Bush are not the end of the world. At its best, it will force him to live up to the responsibility of the war in Iraq. He has to want to leave a lasting legacy right? His re-election victory is historic by all accounts: clear majority, gains in the congress on his tail-coat, and potential lopsided power in all three branches of the government. Now after winning the last election of his life, will he use this new-found power for GOOD or EVIL?

But wait. Last election of his life? Are we living in an unprecedented time in the U.S. history? My question is which of the following constitutional admendments is most likely to pass?
1. the "Arnold": allow foreign-born U.S. citizen to become president
2. the "Gay": banning gay marriage
3. expanding the term limit on president

Maybe I'm getting over-excited (and all three are highly unlikely), but I would say 3. Why not? In four years, if Iraq is still a mess, and a war breaks out in Iran or Syria, can we afford to change horse mid-stream? I think not. I can't imagine our country without Karl Rove's genius. Or is it that I can't imagine our country with Karl Rove without George Bush?


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