Thursday, November 04, 2004

Children of the future II.

Maybe I will take my optimistic words about young people back. First check out this halloween costume.

That's not an aide of Cheney's legion of shadowy army. That's his 7 year old granddaughter!

And this is what her grandmother said: Elizabeth is dressed up as "John Kerry's health plan."

And remember this is the woman that call Kerry a "bad, bad man" for mentioning her grown lesbian daughter, who works for the republican campaign, in a debate about gay marriage. Family is off-limit? I don't know what is worse: using their grandchildren to snipe at opponents, or making a 7 year old girl dressing up as the grim reaper so you can snipe at opponents? Seriously, grim reaper? I don't think her granddad is that scary that the little girl's first choice on halloween is DEATH.

Yes, this has much to do about nothing. But it almost makes me so curious about what goes on at those Republican stumps, where you have to recite a loyalty oath to the president before you can be admitted. There must be some crazy stuff happened there.


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