Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Question: Can I learn anything from stupid pages?

Oh, my sweet pillows. I finally get to lay down after a weekend of pain(-ful) call. It's Sunday night, I have been proactive and called everyone about every problematic patient, and it is all quiet on the western front. 11pm and now there is only 7 hours between me and sweet, sweet bliss of handing off the pager... F*&k! Why the hell is the pager going off? Of course, it's only 11:30! So I call back, explain to the cross cover intern how she had somehow read my consult note, but had came away with the exact opposite of my recommendations. I was curt and polite but surely my impatience and irritation were clearly transmitted despite the undependable AT&T network. She apologized profusely before I hung up. I admit I felt a twinge of guilt when I woke up this morning. I wonder if this is how a new parent feels whenever his child makes an incomprehensible boo-boo. Do residents or attendings who are parents make better, more supportive supervisors? None of us has memory as long as we thought we have. "I will never be as big a dick as that chief resident." That sounds eerily similar to "I will never be a distant as my father." The point is, I wish I could be a nicer person.


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